Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart Calls Trump A Fu*kwad, Warns Romney ‘You’re Competing With Crazy’


Jon Stewart sized up some of the “crazy” Republican candidates, quickly taking down Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann before setting his comedic crosshairs on the “odd-headed reality show star” Donald Trump. After playing a clip of Trump questioning President Obama’s birth certificate, Stewart yelled in response, “his mother was American you fu*kwad!”

Stewart realized the Republicans have at least one plausible candidate in Mitt Romney, or as Stewart referred to him, “Captain Buzzkill.” Romney received some light comedic jabs from Stewart, but also a warning. Stewart advised, “you’re competing with crazy people Mitt. I’m a competent businessman is not going to cut through.” Instead, Stewart suggested that Trump’s “crazy” talk is just the type of “candy” that Romney might have to utilize so that he doesn’t fade from the media spotlight.

See video here…


One thought on “Jon Stewart Calls Trump A Fu*kwad, Warns Romney ‘You’re Competing With Crazy’

  1. the obots are getting a bit nervous so it seems…this s nothing yet, the fun is gonna start when the crooked politicians and media begins to go to jail for covering up fo him…oh yeah! GO MR. TRUMP GO!


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