George Bush

Bush: I ‘Get Slightly Emotional’ Talking About Vets (VIDEO)


He actually managed to shed one tear…just one!

One commenter on TPM said this about “W” and I wholeheartedly agree:

He gets weepy huh – under his Administration FUNDING for vets was CUT! The soldiers fought HIS war without appropriate protective armor and the list goes on and on. The hypocrisy astounds me stop crying those crocodile tears the damage and death is done.

TPM LiveWire

Former President George W. Bush teared up during an interview about veterans and post-traumatic stress disorder.

“I have a duty. I obviously get slightly emotional talking about our vets because I have an emotional — I’m in there with them,” he told ABC’s Martha Raddatz in a segment that aired Sunday on “This Week”. “But my spirit is always uplifted when I visit with vets.”

Bush, who is promoting his initiative to help returning war veterans adjust to civilian life, commended American veterans.

“They don’t say, ‘Woe is me,'” Bush said. “They say, ‘What can I do to continue to serve.'”

Watch the segment via ABC:

George Bush · President Barack Obama

Obama’s Use of Complete Sentences Stirs Controversy (Political Humor)

Andy Borowitz is a master at satirical humor…

Andy Borowitz

 In the first term in office, President Barack Obama has broken with a tradition established over the previous eight years through his controversial use of complete sentences, political observers say.

New polls indicate that millions of Americans are put off by the President’s unorthodox verbal tic, which has Mr. Obama employing grammatically correct sentences virtually every time he opens his mouth.

Mr. Obama’s decision to use complete sentences in his public pronouncements, as well as his insistence on the correct pronunciation of the word “nuclear,” has harmed his reelection hopes among millions of voters who find his unusual speaking style unfamiliar and bizarre.

According to presidential historian Davis Logsdon of the University of Minnesota, after eight years of George W. Bush many Americans find it “alienating” to have a President who speaks English as if it were his first language.

“Every time Obama opens his mouth, his subjects and verbs are in agreement,” says Mr. Logsdon.  “If he keeps it up, he is running the risk of sounding like an elitist.”

The historian said that if Mr. Obama insists on using complete sentences in his speeches, on Election Day the public may find itself saying, “Okay, subject, predicate, subject predicate – we get it, stop showing off.”

Elsewhere, consumers who believed that Nutella was nutritious have won a $3.05 million lawsuit, the highest award ever paid to morons.

George Bush · Osama Bin-Laden · Pakistan · Pervez Musharraf

Osama bin Laden mission agreed in secret 10 years ago by US and Pakistan

Recently former Pakistan leader, Pervez Musharraf angrily declared that the United States had violated Pakistan’s sovereignty.  

That  seemed odd since it was recently revealed that Musharraf and George W. Bush had penned a deal which gave the U.S permission to conduct a unilateral raid to capture Osama bin Laden if it was ever determined that bin Laden was in Pakistan.

It appears Musharraf’s verbal attack on the United States was part of the deal…

US forces were given permission to conduct unilateral raid inside Pakistan if they knew where Bin Laden was hiding, officials say.

The US and Pakistan struck a secret deal almost a decade ago permitting a US operation against Osama bin Laden on Pakistani soil similar to last week’s raid that killed the al-Qaida leader, the Guardian has learned.

The deal was struck between the military leader General Pervez Musharraf and President George Bush after Bin Laden escaped US forces in the mountains of Tora Bora in late 2001, according to serving and retired Pakistani and US officials.

Under its terms, Pakistan would allow US forces to conduct a unilateral raid inside Pakistan in search of Bin Laden, his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and the al-Qaida No3. Afterwards, both sides agreed, Pakistan would vociferously protest the incursion.

“There was an agreement between Bush and Musharraf that if we knew where Osama was, we were going to come and get him,” said a former senior US official with knowledge of counterterrorism operations. “The Pakistanis would put up a hue and cry, but they wouldn’t stop us.”

The deal puts a new complexion on the political storm triggered by Bin Laden’s death in Abbottabad, 35 miles north of Islamabad, where a team of US navy Seals assaulted his safe house in the early hours of 2 May.

Pakistani officials have insisted they knew nothing of the raid, with military and civilian leaders issuing a strong rebuke to the US. If the US conducts another such assault, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani warned parliament on Monday, “Pakistan reserves the right to retaliate with full force.”

Days earlier, Musharraf, now running an opposition party from exile in London, emerged as one of the most vocal critics of the raid, terming it a “violation of the sovereignty of Pakistan”.

But under the terms of the secret deal, while Pakistanis may not have been informed of the assault, they had agreed to it in principle.

A senior Pakistani official said it had been struck under Musharraf and renewed by the army during the “transition to democracy” – a six-month period from February 2008 when Musharraf was still president but a civilian government had been elected.

Referring to the assault on Bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound, the official added: “As far as our American friends are concerned, they have just implemented the agreement.”

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George Bush · George W. Bush War Crimes · Lawrence O'Donnell · Rachel Maddow

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Interviews Former Secretary Of State Condoleezza Rice

I saw this interview and was astounded at Ms. Rice’s beligerance when answering Mr. O’Donnell’s questions.   It appears she stuck to the BushCo talking points and would not give her own interpretation of the events prior to and immediately after 9/11/2001.

Rachel Maddow’s response to Ms. Rice’s interview with Lawrence O’Donnell:

 H/t:  Democratic Underground

George Bush · Ground Zero

NBC: George W. Bush Declines Obama’s Invitation to Visit Ground Zero

Former President George W. Bush has declined President Obama’s invitation to jointly visit Ground Zero on Thursday. “President Bush will not be in attendance on Thursday,” his spokesman told The New York Times. “He appreciated the invite, but has chosen in his post-presidency to remain largely out of the spotlight. He continues to celebrate with Americans this important victory in the war on terror.”

MSNBC said Bush plans to mark the 10-year anniversary of the terrorist attack at Ground Zero in September. Obama will visit the site of the World Trade Center on Thursday for the first time as president.  He will meeting with family members of 9/11 victims.  New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Tuesday that it’s “terribly important” for Obama to come to Ground Zero again on 10-year anniversary of the attack, and said Obama’s staff said the president is making the trip, but the White House did not confirm Bloomberg’s statements.

George Bush · Osama Bin-Laden · President Obama · Sarah Palin · Sarah Palin's Hypocrisy · Sarah Palin's Thin Skin

Sarah Palin Thanks George W. Bush, But Not Obama In Speech Following Osama Bin Laden’s Death (VIDEO)

How tasteless and classless can Sarah Palin be? 

Or is this her way of getting  into the news, similar to Donald Trump’s strategy, say something idiotic and get noticed by the media? 

Huffington Post

In delivering a speech in Colorado on Monday night, Sarah Palin reacted to the death of Osama bin Laden and the path taken by the country to achieve the accomplishment.

According to multiple reports, Palin acknowledged President Barack Obama in her remarks, though not by name. She did, however, offer her thanks and appreciation to his predecessor George W. Bush.

“Yesterday was a testament to the military’s dedication in relentlessly hunting down the enemy during many years of war,” Palin said. “And we thank our president. We thank president Bush.”

The AP reports:

About 1,000 people gathered to hear Palin’s previously scheduled tribute to the armed forces applauded several times through Palin’s remarks. Many nodded along when she talked about Pakistan and cheered when she said, “We should demand answers to our questions.”

Palin said that the mission targeting bin Laden raises “many serious questions.”

“How was the most wanted man in the world able to live in relative comfort out in the open?” she asked. “Perhaps some of the Pakistani leaders were helping him.”

Continued here…



George Bush · George H. W. Bush · George W. Bush · George W. Bush Memoir · George W. Bush War Crimes

Dubya’s Presidential Center

Mario Piperni

News item:

Surrounded by veterans of his administration, former President George W. Bush broke ground on his presidential center on Tuesday and promised to continue to advance the “principles that guided our service in public office.”

“We believe that America’s interest and conscience demand engagement in the world, because what happens elsewhere inevitably affects us here,” Bush said at a ceremony at the future site of the George W. Bush Presidential Center, a library, museum and think tank to be built on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

I imagine that if the words George W. Bush, library and think tank can all be linked in some meaningful way, then any three words one can possibly think up can equally be placed side by side regardless of how little relevance the first might have with the next two (baboon/Mayo Clinic/rocket science quickly comes to mind.)

The only ‘presidential center’ I can think of which would be a fitting tribute to the incredible ignorance of George W. Bush would be the freak show at a traveling carnival showcasing Louise-The Bearded Lady and Barney-The Dog Faced Boy.

Letterman is more on the mark with his Top Ten Highlights of the George W. Bush Library Groundbreaking.

10. While digging, they found Obama’s birth certificate
9. Read warm congratulatory note from Osama and Julie bin Laden
8. Displayed thousands of books Bush pretends to read
7. George arrived wearing a flight suit and piloting the Conan blimp
6. Dubya only had three shoes thrown at him
5. Dug up thousands of Gore ballots from 2000
4. Bush gave Halliburton $300 million check just for the hell of it
3. George correctly pronounced the word “nuclear” (it doesn’t get any more groundbreaking than that)
2. After a few seconds of digging, Bush raised “Mission Accomplished” banner
1. Bush and Cheney celebrated the day with a long, passionate, open-mouth kiss

The last item preferably while sharing a cell at a Federal Correctional complex.

George Bush · George W. Bush

George Bush Book ‘Decision Points’ Lifted Passages From Advisers’ Books

Recently, George Bush complained that many folks thought he couldn’t read, much less write a book.  It seems some of his critics may have been right on the latter point…

Huffington Post

When Crown Publishing inked a deal with George W. Bush for his memoirs, the publisher knew it wasn’t getting Faulkner. But the book, at least, promises “gripping, never-before-heard detail” about the former president’s key decisions, offering to bring readers “aboard Air Force One on 9/11, in the hours after America’s most devastating attack since Pearl Harbor; at the head of the table in the Situation Room in the moments before launching the war in Iraq,” and other undisclosed and weighty locations.

Crown also got a mash-up of worn-out anecdotes from previously published memoirs written by his subordinates, from which Bush lifts quotes word for word, passing them off as his own recollections. He took equal license in lifting from nonfiction books about his presidency or newspaper or magazine articles from the time. Far from shedding light on how the president approached the crucial “decision points” of his presidency, the clip jobs illuminate something shallower and less surprising about Bush’s character: He’s too lazy to write his own memoir.


1.  From Decision Points, p. 205: “When Karzai arrived in Kabul for his inauguration on December 22 – 102 days after 9/11 – several Northern Alliance leaders and their bodyguards greeted him at an airport. As Karzai walked across the tarmac alone, a stunned Tajik warlord asked where all his men were. Karzai, responded, ‘Why, General, you are my men. All of you who are Afghans are my men.'”

From Ahmed Rashid’s The Mess in Afghanistan, quoted in The New York Times Review of Books:   “At the airport to receive [Karzai] was the warlord General Mohammad Fahim, a Tajik from the Panjshir Valley …. As the two men shook hands on the tarmac, Fahim looked confused. ‘Where are your men?’ he asked. Karzai turned to him in his disarmingly gentle manner of speaking. ‘Why General,’ he replied, “you are my men—all of you are Afghans and are my men…'”   Bush was not at Karzai’s Innauguration.

2.  From Decision Points, p. 267: “Several months later, four men came to see me at the White House. They were members of the Delta Team that had captured Saddam. They told me the story of the hunt…’My name is Saddam Hussein,’ the man said. ‘I am the president of Iraq and I want to negotiate.’ ‘Regards from President Bush,’ the soldier replied.”

BBC, Dec. 15, 2003:   “How Saddam Hussein was captured”: “[Saddam] put up no resistance although armed with a pistol. ‘My name is Saddam Hussein. I am the president of Iraq and I want to negotiate,’ he told the US troops in English, according to Major Bryan Reed, operations officer for the 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division. ‘Regards from President Bush,’ US special forces replied, Major Reed recounted.

A Time magazine story later questioned whether the story was accurate.  “Legends of the Fall,” Dec. 29, 2003:    “A U.S. intelligence official, meanwhile, casts doubt on another widely reported tale: that a U.S. soldier hailed the nemesis of two Commanders in Chief named George Bush by saying: ‘Regards from President Bush.’ This person says some officials suspect the story is ‘apocryphal.’”

So did the soldiers tell Bush that story or did he lift it from the BBC?

3.  From Decision Points, p. 199:   “At a National Security Council meeting the next morning, I said, ‘just want to make sure that all of us did agree to this plan, right?’ I went around the table and asked every member of the room. They agreed….I could sense the relief in the room.”

From Bob Woodward’s Bush At War, p. 261:  “The next morning, Bush arrived at the White House Situation Room for the NSC meeting…’I just want to make sure that all of us did agree to this plan, right?’ [Bush] said. He looked around the table from face to face….Each affirmed allegiance to the plan and strategy. …Hadley thought the tension suddenly drained from the room.

From Bob Woodward’s The War Within, p. 430:  “At the next day’s meeting, Bush said, ‘I just want to make sure that all of us did agree to this plan, right?’ He went around the table asking everyone to affirm allegiance to the plan.”

4.   From Decision Points, p 234-5:   Tommy told the national security team that he was working to apply the same concept of a light footprint to Iraq… “If we have multiple, highly skilled Special Operations forces identifying targets for precision-guided munitions, we will need fewer conventional grounds forces,” he said. “That’s an important lesson learned from Afghanistan.” I had a lot of concerns. … I asked the team to keep working on the plan. “We should remain optimistic that diplomacy and international pressure will succeed in disarming the regime,” I said at the end of the meeting. “But we cannot allow weapons of mass destruction to fall into the hands of terrorists. I will not allow that to happen.”

From General Tommy Franks American Soldier, p. 350:  “For example, if we have multiple, highly skilled Special Operations forces identifying targets for precision-guided munitions, we will need fewer conventional ground forces. That’s an important lesson learned from Afghanistan.” President Bush’s questions continued throughout the briefing…. Before the VTC ended, President Bush addressed us all. “We should remain optimistic that diplomacy and international pressure will succeed in disarming the regime.” … (p. 355-6) The President paused. “Protecting the security of the United States is my responsibility,” he continued. “But we cannot allow weapons of mass destruction to fall into the hands of terrorists.” He shook his head. “I will not allow that to happen.” (emphasis in the original text)

5.  From Decision Points, p, 223: I asked each man two questions. Do you have everything you need to win? And are you comfortable with the strategy? Each commander answered affirmatively. Tommy spoke last. “Mr. President,” the commanding general said, “this force is ready.” I turned to Don Rumsfeld. “Mr. Secretary,” I said, “for the peace of the world and the benefit and freedom of the Iraqi people, I hereby give the order to execute Operation Iraqi Freedom. May God bless the troops.” Tommy snapped a salute. “Mr. President,” he said, “May God bless America.”

From General Tommy Franks, American Soldier, p. xvi-xvii:  “Mr. President, this force is ready. D-Day H-Hour is 2100 hours tonight Iraqi time, 1800 Greenwich mean, 1300 East Coast time.” President Bush nodded toward the Natioanl Security Council, then turned toward me. “All right. For the sake of peace in the world and security for our country and the rest of the free world …” He paused as we listened intently, “And for the freedom of the Iraqi people, as of this moment I will give Secretary Rumsfeld the order necessary to execute Operation Iraqi Freedom.” “Tommy,” the president added, his voice firm, “May God bless our troops.” … “Mr. President,” I answered. “May God bless America.” I saluted, and the Commander-in-Chief returned the salute.

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George Bush · George W. Bush · Mario Piperni

Bush and Conservative Criticism of a Clueless President


This particular post epitomizes why I think Mario Piperni is a smart, funny and quite intuitive blogger as well as a prolific and talented illustrator…

Mario Piperni

I found this tweet by Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher amusing.

Bush not class act, destroyed GOP, jailed Ramos & Compean, left us bailouts, gave more power to fed gov & China.

A class act he is not. Agreed. But more relevant than any damage Bush might have done to the GOP brand (tarnished as it already was), was numbnut’s destruction of the economy, an immoral war responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives and his staining of the United State’s international image.

And for the record, Bush did not do his work single handed.  He had the aid of a Republican Congress for six of his eight years of madness.  In addition he had the support of a conservative media who for the most part applauded his every misdeed.

I chuckle at teabaggers and conservative politicians who suddenly find it appropriate to claim that their criticism is directed at both parties – that Republicans were guilty of betraying conservative principles during the first eight years of the decade.  They tell us now how upset they are about it all.  Bullshit.  Where was the criticism then?  I don’t recall hearing a single teabagger who now screams about rising deficits complaining two years ago about Bush having increased the national debt by $4 trillion dollars.  Why is that?

It’s because they didn’t give a damn as long as a Republican sat in the White House.  That’s why.  So fine, have Republicans criticize George W. Bush now that he’s out of office.  It’s a bit late, assholes.  If you really did care, you would have been displaying your disapproval long before he lied his way, and a nation, into war and debt.

Forgive me if some of us find your criticism as less a reflection of heartfelt sentiment and more of a ruse and another example of self-serving politics.

George Bush · George W. Bush

Bush’s Waterboarding Admission Prompts Calls For Criminal Probe

Huffington Post

The American Civil Liberties Union on Thursday joined a growing chorus in the human rights community calling for a special prosecutor to investigate whether former president George W. Bush violated federal statutes prohibiting torture.

In his new memoir and ensuing book tour, Bush has repeatedly admitted that he directly authorized the waterboarding of three terror suspects. Use of the waterboard, which creates the sensation of drowning, has been an iconic and almost universally condemned form of torture since the time of the Spanish Inquisition.

Except for a brief period during which a handful of Bush administration lawyers insisted that the exigencies of interrogating terror suspects justified its use, waterboarding has always been considered illegal by the Justice Department. It is also a clear violation of international torture conventions.

The ACLU is urging Attorney General Eric Holder to ask Assistant U.S. Attorney John Durham to investigate Bush. For nearly three years now, Durham has been acting as a special prosecutor investigating a variety of torture-related matters involving government officials considerably lower on the food chain. Just this Tuesday, it was widely reported that Durham had cleared the CIA’s former top clandestine officer and others in the destruction of agency videotapes showing waterboarding of terror suspects — but that he would continue pursuing other aspects of his investigation.

“The ACLU acknowledges the significance of this request, but it bears emphasis that the former President’s acknowledgment that he authorized torture is absolutely without parallel in American history,” the group wrote in its letter to Holder.

“The admission cannot be ignored. In our system, no one is above the law or beyond its reach, not even a former president. That founding principle of our democracy would mean little if it were ignored with respect to those in whom the public most invests its trust. It would also be profoundly unfair for Mr. Durham to focus his inquiry on low-level officials charged with implementing official policy but to ignore the role of those who authorized or ordered the use of torture.”

In his new memoir, “Decision Points,” Bush recalls his thought process after CIA director George Tenet asked for permission to waterboard alleged al Qaeda mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in early 2003. Bush’s response: “Damn right.”

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